visual artist
Visual work and research

images from Ice (working title), 2024, film and installation
Ice (working title) is both a film and a moving image. It captures a moment in time in which a figure is surrounded by falling ice that accumulates around her feet.
Walking with a blue suitcase through the wet sand of the river Ems, a figure is on its way to an unknow destination. This performative intervention in Bierum, in the cold and wet spring months in The Netherlands is in contrast with the hot and dry environment of Tunesia.
However, the salt water of the rivers, the sea and the seeming infinity connects both places and the footage comes together in a film and installation without beginning or end.

Images of Shortcut, 2024, visual installation and film.
Photo's by Marc Knip

Images of Shortcut, 2024, visual installation as presented at the Bierumer School
Shortcut is combination of two visual installations that came together for the first time in the Bierumer School.
Projected on a big wall in the attic, a figure walks with their handluggage through the sand of the river Ems, while on the other side of the room, a figure is climbing in a tree in their blue summer dress.
In Zonder Titel a room is filled with orange chairs and screens that show these exact same chairs. When you stand in the "right" position the images become part of the space. Sometimes someone walks in and sits down and as a viewer you can become part of what is happening in the space.
The space is dynamic and just exists. Depending on who is in the room the work is different every time.

Images from Zonder Titel, 2024, visual installation as presented at the Bierumer School

Stills from Walks in Blanca, 2023, short video fragments and installation.
Mountains surround the Blanca region in southern Spain. The dry but overgrown environment feels natural, but at the same time the human influence on the landscape is undeniable. During a residency in Spain, I made short and temporary interventions in the area around Blanca. I filmed walks and movements in different places and brought the films together in an audiovisual installation.
NED: Zenuwen ENG: Nerves
In the Frisian documentary SENUWEN I follow young gymnast Iris. She competed in the Frisian Championships in Dokkum, where the event beam often gets gymnasts very nervous.
But what makes the beam such a nerve-wracking event? I wondered why we are nervous and what happens to us when he have to perform. Are these nerves good for something?

Stills from SENUWEN (Nerves), 2023, documentary. Photos by Gerko Jonker.
Via Rastello is a journey through the historical street Via Rastello in Gorizia, Italy. On my toes I walk on the tracks of a 18th century tram that once drove through the street.
The film shows in a journey from morning to evening the contrast between the remaining liveliness and the emptiness of the street.
Beeld uit Via Rastello, 2022, performatieve handeling, korte film en audiovisuele installatie, 10min05sec.

Stills from Via Rastello, 2022, performative act, film and audio-visual installation, 9min53sec.

Do you know how far your toes are from the ground when you take a step?
The only way for us to answer this question is to measure the distance from our toe to the ground in centimeters, but what does that tell us? Less than the body already knew. Our feet know where the floor is in relation to the body at any time. They don’t need measurements and numbers, they just need experience and body memory.
Stills from De kennis van het lichaam (The knowledge of the body), 2022, research and video installation.
Onderzoek naar het lichaam, de geest en het brein en hoe deze drie begrippen zich tot elkaar verhouden in beweging.
Een theoretische onderbouwing van mijn werk De kennis van het lichaam, waarin de begrippen lichaamsgeheugen en bewegingsgeheugen een grote rol spelen.
Body Memory is a short film in which I research the uniformity of movements.

Still from Lichaamsgeheugen (Body Memory), 2021, short research film, 1 min 57 sec.
Images by Julie Tuinman.

Documentation of Over anderhalve meter rechts afslaan (In one and a half meters turn right), 2021, book.
Photos by Annika van Veen
The Dutch book Over anderhalve meter rechts afslaan (In one and a half meters turn right) combines body parts with commands of a navigation system.
The book is a route, but also a question: can the body, just like that, be directed by a voice from outside?