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De kennis van het lichaam (The knowledge of the body)

Stills from installation De kennis van het lichaam (The knowledge of the body), 2022, research an audiovisual installation.

Do you know how far your toe is from the ground when you take a step?


The only way for us to answer this question is to measure the distance from our toe to the ground in centimeters, but what does that tell us? Less than the body already knew. Our feet know where the floor is in relation to the body at any time. They don’t need measurements and numbers, they just need experience and body memory.

Images from De kennis van het lichaam (The knowledge of the body), 2022, research and video installation.

Photo 1, 2 en 5 by Tom Meixner

Body memory is present in our entire body. It is the result of a repeated movement that has moved from conscious to the unconscious. The body takes over knowledge from the brain and we move from a controllable ‘knowing that’ to an ungraspable ‘knowing how’. De Kennis van het lichaam tries to capture this body memory and shows the precision with which our bodies move in space.


Our body stores for us the bodily movements of which there is no room left in our head.

Still, there is a play between brain and body in which the brain is often seen as the winner. We are looking for control, which makes that we mess up a lot of things unnecessarily.


Sometimes we can trust our bodies more than we can trust that what we think is ourselves.


This makes that De Kennis van het lichaam also becomes an ode to our bodies.

Video from De kennis van het lichaam (The knowledge of the body), 2022, research and video installation.

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Image sequence from installation De kennis van het lichaam (The knowledge of the body), 2022, research and video installation.

This installation was made possible by

Julie Tuinman / Jutu Studios - Rein Jelle Terpstra - JumpXL Groningen - Kunsthuis SYB, Beetsterzwaag

Academie Minerva, Groningen - Media Art Friesland

Nominated for Minerva Award for Fine Art en Minerva Award for Research in Art/Design

Exhibited at LUNA Young Masters 2023, Leeuwarden

STAPPEN in de Der Aa-kerk in Groningen 

Kunstpunt Groningen during the exhibition '100x Kunst in de Akerk'

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